This post will be yet another glimpse in to the laughable moments often experienced in the lab at school (I know, it's all relative). As you know from my last post, #vetschoolproblems, I know approximately 13 of my 82 classmates. Of those 13, five are in my anatomy group otherwise known as VAP 11: Los Geckos! The brilliance of Los Geckos must be explained first and foremost. There are six of us in the group. The first letters of our last names, when put together, actually spell Geckos. Freaking. Cool. I believe Mallory came up with this name. Mallory is a genius. At any rate, the "Los" was added by Senor Stein in an attempt to liven up the atmosphere I assume. I believe it worked. I plan on wearing my jammypack and a sombrero and playing Latin music while consuming a virgin margarita (bc I'll be on campus and we don't want to break any rules) during the last anatomy lab session. It'll be a hit I'm sure.
Over the last 2.5 mos I've spent a lot of time with these ladies. I tend to make mental notes of funny things about people and/or interesting facts. These are my observations about my Geckos groupies...Sara is a killer baker. Rachel likes to give our animals names and bring them to life. Mallory is so quiet I often wonder if she's a spy for another school. Miranda has a really contagious laugh. We all appreciate inappropriate jokes. And then there's Delaina. Delaina is wonderful. Delaina likes to sing-speak. What do I mean by sing-speak? Well, instead of simply saying something like "omotransversarius" in a normal, spoken voice as one might use during conversation, Delaina likes to add just a hint of melody and ever so slightly sing or maybe even chant that same word. She often gives it a bit of rhythm and, if she's really excited about the word, will even throw her hands up in the air as if lifting something just above her head, eyes to the ceiling and sing-speak-proclaim the same word.
Spot. On. Haha oh man it kills me. Everyday I just wait to hear something new. And she often doesn't even really know she's doing it. I almost think she should make a CD. It would be really easy to do bc she'd really only be kind of sing-speaking the names of muscles or bones or nerves or blood vessels. It could be a learning CD for veterinary students. I bet it'd sell like hotcakes. I'm on it.
And Dr. Lloyd continues to provide us with laughs in Phys I. Today she posted this picture in the lower-right-hand corner of a slide. She sort of snuck it in, briefly commented about it and then moved on. Haha. Adorbs.
The End.
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